
Check if a worksheet exists

How can you check if a certain worksheet with title exist in your spreadsheet, using the googlesheets package?


  • If you know what the title of the worksheet is, you can check for it this way. Here is a toy example. Load the gapminder test data first:

    > library(googlesheets)
    > gs_gap() %>% gs_copy(to = "Gapminder")

    This will send you to Google to authenticate. Once you do that, close the browser, and return to R. The worksheets available are stored in $ws$ws_title:

    > gap <- gs_title("Gapminder")
    > gap$ws$ws_title
    [1] "Africa"   "Americas" "Asia"     "Europe"   "Oceania" 

    So you can check and see if a particular named worksheet is available like this:

    > ("Africa" %in% gap$ws$ws_title)
    [1] TRUE

    There is more info in the googlesheets vignette here which should help you make the connection to your spreadsheet: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/googlesheets/vignettes/basic-usage.html