How can you check if a certain worksheet with title exist in your spreadsheet, using the googlesheets package?
If you know what the title of the worksheet is, you can check for it this way. Here is a toy example. Load the gapminder test data first:
> library(googlesheets)
> gs_gap() %>% gs_copy(to = "Gapminder")
This will send you to Google to authenticate. Once you do that, close the browser, and return to R. The worksheets available are stored in $ws$ws_title
> gap <- gs_title("Gapminder")
> gap$ws$ws_title
[1] "Africa" "Americas" "Asia" "Europe" "Oceania"
So you can check and see if a particular named worksheet is available like this:
> ("Africa" %in% gap$ws$ws_title)
[1] TRUE
There is more info in the googlesheets
vignette here which should help you make the connection to your spreadsheet: