Why is it necessary sometimes to cast?
Join<X, Y> a = (Join) Fetch<X, Y> ...
For Example:
Root<Person> personRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Person.class);
Join<Person, Loan> loanJoin = (Join) personRoot.fetch("loan", JoinType.INNER);
loanJoin.fetch("borrower", JoinType.LEFT);
What is the reason for not doing:
Fetch<Person, Loan> fetchJoin = personRoot.fetch("loan", JoinType.INNER);
fetchJoin.fetch("borrower", JoinType.LEFT);
I had to cast Fetch
to Join
when I wanted to get benefits of both.
allows eager loading when annotations are not working see https://stackoverflow.com/a/25631785/2202712Join
allows adding restriction/order on an attribute from joined relatione.g., Say you want to get all Employee
together with info about their departments and home countries as a single select query with two inner joins. This is possible by adding a root.fetch(...)
each for department
and homeCountry
. If you also wish to order employees based on the population of their respective home countries (please assume you wish to), you will need a Join
Root<Employee> root = query.from(Employee.class);
root.fetch("department"); // <- for an eager join
Join<Employee,Country> joinCountry = (Join) root.fetch("homeCountry"); // <- for an eager join & orderBy
Query<Employee> q = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery(query);
List<Employee> employees = q.getResultList();
Above code fires a single select *
to the db
employee0_.emp_id as emp_id1_0_0_,
department1_.department_id as depart1_2_1_,
country2_.country_id as countr1_3_2_,
employee0_.salary as salary2_0_0_,
department1_.name as name3_0_0,
country2_.continent as continent4_0_0
employee employee0_
inner join
department department1_
on employee0_.department_id=department1_.department_id
inner join
country country2_
on employee0_.country_id=country2_.country_id
order by
country2_.population asc