
Wallaby.js not working with jasmine callFake(...)?


wallaby.js seems not to be working with jasmine callFake. I want to use the arguments passed to the original function inside the the "fake" function. But I always get undefined with wallaby.

The test below works when running jasmine directly, but breaks when running via wallaby.

Did this happen with anyone else? Any ideas on how to fix it?


it('test callFake and wallaby', async () => {
  // Arrange
  const myObj = {
    myFunc: (a) => a + 1,

  spyOn(myObj, 'myFunc')
    .and.callFake(arg => arg);

  // Act
  const result = myObj.myFunc(1);

  // Assert

enter image description here

Related info

Wallaby.js configuration file

module.exports = (wallaby) => {
  return {
    files: [
      { pattern: '.env', instrument: false },

    tests: [

    compilers: {
      '**/*.js': wallaby.compilers.babel(),

    testFramework: 'jasmine',

    env: {
      type: 'node',

      params: {
        env: 'NODE_ENV=test;MONGODB_CONQUERY=mongodb://localhost:27017/athena-test',
    workers: {
      initial: 1,
      regular: 1,
      restart: true,

    setup: (/* wallaby */) => {
      require('dotenv').load({ path: '.env' }); // eslint-disable-line
      require('./test/_helpers/dropDatabase'); // eslint-disable-line

    teardown: (/* wallaby */) => {

Code editor or IDE name and version

Visual Studio Code v1.21.1

OS name and version

OSX 10.13.3


  • It was a bug in Jasmine 2.x support in wallaby it is fixed now.