I need to know how can I call API repeatedly until get specific status, like 10.
In my case, when I got another result, just call error message in toast. but my team wants to call it repeatedly for purchase process in Appstore.
Below is my code example:
func deliveryProduct(json:JSON, receiptData:String) {
if let _userInfo = Authentication.userInfo {
if let account = _userInfo.account {
let dict:[String: Any] = ["myData":data]
getVerifyBillingiOS(dict: dict, completion: {
value in
let json = JSON(value)
let myStatus = json["status"].intValue
if myStatus == 10 {
print("Result Success")
print("Result Failed")
func postReceiptData(dict: [String: Any], completion: ((Any)->())?) {
let url = "myServerUrl"
Alamofire.requestURL(string: url, method: .post, parameter: dict, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: applicationHeader(), completion: {
success, response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
let json = JSON(value)
let status = json["status"].intValue
// Success status = 10, failure status = -10
if let _completion = completion {
case .failure(let error):
if error._code == NSURLErrorTimedOut {
Util.showDefaultToast(message: "Network Error")
if let _completion = completion {
Instead of
print("Result Failed")
just recall the function , i can't make it by code because the two functions you mentioned are not related to each other so i can't figure what to do, however recall the function that calls the api instead of printing error (or do both) this will make it keep trying till it works
Update :
after let json = JSON(value)
you should call
self.deliveryProduct(json: json, receiptData: receiptData)
and below print("Result Failed")
you should call postReceiptData
i hope it's clear now