Im using ng-bootstrap framework in my Angular 4 project.
I have 'accordion' components in multiple places in my application and in some cases I need to trigger accordion open state in typescript.
From the accordion component API documentation I found following method, but as far as I have tried it only works when called in html file (tried calling from constructor).
//Programmatically toggle a panel with a given id.
toggle(panelId: string) => void
Should it also be possible to trigger in typescript? If anybody has experience with it I would be really thankful. Otherwise I need to build my own custom accordions.
For this you have to use ViewChild
strong typed with NgbAccordion
You can do same thing with any components of ng-boostrap and any public method of any child Component.
Step to follow :
1/ add #someIdentifier to your component tag in html side.
2/ Use @ViewChild('someIdentifier')
to make reference on your component.ts
3/ StrongCast your attribute by the ComponentType.
4/ Enjoy any public method from your Child Component.
Following example :
import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {NgbAccordion} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
selector: 'ngbd-accordion-toggle',
templateUrl: './accordion-toggle.html'
export class NgbdAccordionToggle {
@ViewChild('acc') accordionComponent: NgbAccordion;
// Method call on click.
toggle(id:string): void {
//Here you have access to AccordionComponent as discribe on documentation.
Html side :
<ngb-accordion #acc="ngbAccordion">
// [...]
Live example :
Since version 14.1.0 of this library, API have moved from component to directive. Approach is almost the same.
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
selector: 'ngbd-accordion-basic',
standalone: true,
imports: [NgbAccordionModule],
templateUrl: './accordion-basic.html',
export class NgbdAccordionBasic {
@ViewChild(NgbAccordionDirective) accordion: NgbAccordionDirective; // here we create the reference to the directive
public toggle(i: number): void {
and them on your html template
<div ngbAccordion accordion="NgbAccordion">
<div ngbAccordionItem="0">
<div ngbAccordionItem="1">
Where you link your ViewChild by using accordion="NgbAccordion"
And you name your Accordion item by giving as input.
Live example : API Reference :