For sticky session i need to set the jvmRoute of the embedded tomcat.
Actually only a
System.setProperty("jvmRoute", "node1");
is required, but i want to set a via configurable property. I don't know how and when to set this with @Value annotated property.
With @PostConstruct as described here, it does not work (at least not in spring boot 2.0.0.RELEASE)
The only way i found so far is
public class TomcatInitializer implements ApplicationListener<ServletWebServerInitializedEvent> {
private String jvmRoute;
public void onApplicationEvent(final ServletWebServerInitializedEvent event) {
final WebServer ws = event.getApplicationContext().getWebServer();
if (ws instanceof TomcatWebServer) {
final TomcatWebServer tws = (TomcatWebServer) ws;
final Context context = (Context) tws.getTomcat().getHost().findChildren()[0];
It works, but it does not look like much elegant...
Any suggestions are very appreciated.
You can customise Tomcat's Context
a little more elegantly by using a context customiser. It's a functional interface so you can use a lambda:
public WebServerFactoryCustomizer<TomcatServletWebServerFactory> tomcatCustomizer() {
return (tomcat) -> tomcat.addContextCustomizers((context) -> {
Manager manager = context.getManager();
if (manager == null) {
manager = new StandardManager();