
Lifting - generalization

I need to use heavy function lifting, eg.

k = myFunc
  <$> someFunctionName 1
  <*> someFunctionName 2
  <*> someFunctionName 3
  <*> someFunctionName 4
  <*> someFunctionName 5
  <*> someFunctionName 6
  <*> someFunctionName 8
  <*> someFunctionName 9
  -- ...

Which is not provided for bigger functions (about 20 arguments) by Prelude. Is there smart way to do such a lift without explicitly chaining those aps? I am looking for something like

k = magic (map someFunctionName [1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9]) myFunc 

I may be hard to guess the type of magic as it depends on number of arguments of lifted function. It is of course not possible to use map on list here (or is it?), I put it only as a viewpoint.

I think I am looking for something that could be nicely solved by dependent types, which are not included in Haskell, but maybe there is some tricky way to workaround it (TemplateHaskell?)

Do you have any ideas how to make it more elegant and flexible?

edit: In my case types of chained functions are all the same.


  • Lift constructors

    Using type classes we can define a generalized version of liftA/ap. The tricky part is to infer when to stop lifting and return the result. Here we use the fact that constructors are curried functions with as many arguments as they have fields, and the result type is not a function.

    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    import Text.Read
    -- apF
    --   :: Applicative f
    --   => (i -> f a)
    --   -> (a -> a -> ... ->   x)   -- constructor type
    --   -> (i -> i -> ... -> f x)   -- lifted function
    class Applicative f => ApF f i a s t where
      apF :: (i -> f a) -> f s -> t
    -- Recursive case
    -- s ~ (a -> ...)
    -- t ~ (i -> ...)
    instance (a ~ a', t ~ (i -> t'), ApF f i a s' t') => ApF f i a (a' -> s') t where
      apF parseArg fconstr i = apF parseArg (fconstr <*> parseArg i)
    -- Base case
    -- s ~   x  -- x assumed not to be a function type (not (y -> z) for any y and z)
    -- t ~ f x
    instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (t ~ f x, Applicative f) => ApF f i a x t where
      apF _ fconstr = fconstr
    liftF :: ApF f i a s t => (i -> f a) -> s -> t
    liftF parseArg constr = apF parseArg (pure constr)
    main = do
      let lookup :: Int -> Maybe Integer
          lookup i =
            case drop i [2,3,5,7,11,13] of
              [] -> Nothing
              a : _ -> Just a
      print $ liftF lookup (,,) 0 2 5

    Higher-kinded records and generics

    Another solution is to first parameterize records by a type function wrapping every field, so that we can put things of various other related types. Those allow us to produce and consume actual records by traversing those derived structures using Haskell Generics.

    data UserF f = User
      { name :: f @@ String
      , age :: f @@ Int
      } deriving G.Generic
    type User = UserF Id

    Type functions are defined using the type family (@@) (HKD in the blog post linked above). The ones relevant to this answer are the identity and constant functions.

    type family s @@ x
    type instance Id   @@ x = x
    type instance Cn a @@ x = a
    data Id
    data Cn (a :: *)

    For example, we can gather the indices used to parse CSV, in a UserF (Cn Int):

    userIxes = User { name = 0, age = 2 } :: UserF (Cn Int)

    Given such a parameterized record type (p = UserF), and a record of indices (ixes :: p (Cn Int)), we can parse a CSV record (r :: [String]) with parseRec below. Here using generics-sop.

    parseRec :: _
             => p (Cn Int) -> [String] -> Maybe (p Id)
    parseRec ixes r =
      fmap to .
      hsequence .
      htrans (Proxy :: Proxy ParseFrom) (\(I i) -> read (r !! i)) .
      from $

    Let us break down the code bottom-up. generics-sop provides combinators to transform records in a uniform way that is like using lists. It is best to follow a proper tutorial to understand the underlying details, but for the sake of demonstration, we will imagine that the middle of the pipeline between from and to is actually transforming lists, using a dynamic type Field to type heterogeneous lists.

    The final step is effortless:

    parseUser :: Record -> Maybe User
    parseUser = parseRec $ User { name = 0, age = 2 }