I have managed to perform static code analysis for a .NET
core project using SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild, on a debian:stretch
docker container.
I am now trying to produce a coverage report.
Unless I am wrong, the relevant guidelines hint that you cannot just use an existing report, but rather follow a dynamic process of
ning the analysis by pointing to the report (to be done) patha) Visual Studio Code Coverage
b) dotCover
c) OpenCover
ing the analysis initiated by msbuild
My question is whether it is possible to run the above process on Linux (haven't managed to do so yet or find any resources)
Coverage reporting as also SonarQube integration is possible thanx to minicover.
Minicover now uses mini-OpenCover to generate (and upload to a SQ server) SQ-compatible coverage reports; The procedure that should be followed more or less, scripted:
(assuming tools
is the folder that performs the nugget installation for minicover)
echo "Starting sonarqube integration"
mono /home/pathTo/SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe begin /k:"MyProject" /d:sonar.host.url="http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.login="myLoginId" /d:sonar.cs.opencover.reportsPaths="coverage.xml"
dotnet restore
dotnet build
cd tools
export "MiniCover=dotnet minicover"
# Instrument assemblies inside 'MyTestFolder' folder to detect hits for source files inside 'MySrcFolder' folder
$MiniCover instrument --workdir ../ --assemblies MyTestFolder/**/bin/**/*.dll --sources MySrcFolder/**/*.cs
# Reset hits count in case minicover was run for this project
$MiniCover reset
cd ..
dotnet test --no-build ./MyTestFolder/MyTest.csproj
cd tools
# Uninstrument assemblies, it's important if you're going to publish or deploy build outputs
$MiniCover uninstrument --workdir ../
# Create html reports inside folder coverage-html
$MiniCover opencoverreport --workdir ../ --threshold 90
# Print opencover report
$MiniCover opencoverreport --workdir ../ --threshold 90
cd ..
echo "Ending sonarqube integration..."
mono /home/pathTo/SonarQube.Scanner.MSBuild.exe end /d:sonar.login="myLoginId"
More extensive discussion/details can be found on this and this threads.