I am wondering if I have to unsubscribe my subscription in the following case. I create an observable using combineLatest
of the two angular observables route.params
and route.queryParams
To use them as parameters within an http request I call switchMap
and return the http request's observable.
Then I describe to this observable.
Now I am wondering if I have to take care of the subscription. Usually I do not since the observable returned by angular's http service completes after first value emit.
In my current case I am not sure since the original observable was created by calling combineLatest
// Somewhere within my component.
const subscription = combineLatest(this.route.params, this.route.queryParams).pipe(
switchMap(([params, queryParams]: [Params, Params]) => this.http.get<number>(`query/path/${params.id}/${queryParams.type}`)
).subscribe(data => console.log(data));
Yes you will need to unsubscribe. This hasn't anything to do with your switch map, but with your combineLatests and its parameters.
will emit the lastest value of each observerable. Both this.route.params
and this.route.queryParams
will keep emitting values as your route changes. Therefore also your combineLatest
will keep emitting values.