
How to get JDL or JH file from the existing jhipster project

Is there a way to get JH file that i used to import into my JHipster project. I am able to see list of json files inside .jhipster folder. But where i can find jh file and how to get that back. So that i can do modifications and import it again. For example how can i get the jh file for this below sample jhipster project.

Import command

yo jhipster:import-jdl ~/Downloads/example.jh


  • You have the same, instead of import, it's export. Here all possible commands:

    yo jhipster:export-jdl

    yo jhipster:export-jdl jhipster.jh

    jhipster export-jdl

    jhipster export-jdl jhipster.jh