
Why Deployer say storage:link failed when i start using public disk in Laravel?

i use php deployer tool ( for deploy my app on Laravel 5.5.

When i start use public disk with symlynk storage -> storage/app/public, i have got error on deployng:

In Client.php line 96:

The command "/usr/bin/php /var/www/ 
storage:link" failed

Exit Code: 1 (General error)

Host Name: production


In Filesystem.php line 228:

symlink(): No such file or directory

I saw in directy on host /releases/1/public broken symlink to my local MacOs folder storage -> /Users/user1/Code/project/storage/app/public

I repeat new installation from scratch Laravel project&Deployer but still gor error.


  • Fixed it. I accidentally pushed up the Public/Storage folder to git. (