
How to join array of strings?

I have an API where I send a parameter currentList: ["hey", "cool"]

type sentenceCreateReq struct {
    CurrentList []string `json:"currentList"`

func (usr *SentenceResource) Create(c buffalo.Context) error {
    req := sentenceCreateReq{}
    parseReqBody(c.Request(), &req)


    sentence := models.Sentence{}
    err := tx.Limit(1).Where("word NOT IN (?)", c.Params("currentList")).First(&sentence)


How would I be able to join the array of strings to fit my requirement?

The SQL statement I want to run is

SELECT * FROM sentences WHERE word NOT IN ('hey', 'cool');


  • Generally you will need a number of placeholders equal to the length of the slice you are passing in

    like this, for example: https://play.golang.org/p/AZRTUsfKyH7

    then something like

    tx.Where(query, sentence...) 

    which will pass in the slice as separate arguments to fill in the placeholders.