Say I have the following code in C++ that will set the time out for a socket:
struct timeval time_val_struct = { 0 };
time_val_struct.tv_sec = 1;
time_val_struct.tv_usec = 0;
return_value = setsockopt(this->m_fdSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO,(const char*) &time_val_struct, sizeof(time_val_struct));
if (return_value == -1)
How do I disable the timeout using the same command?
You have to set the timeout value to 0. This will do the trick.
struct timeval time_val_struct;
time_val_struct.tv_sec = 0;
time_val_struct.tv_usec = 0;
A reference can be found here:
If the timeout is set to zero (the default) then the operation will never timeout