
S3: Access Denied

I have a thumbnail and so many other buckets in S3. While uploading an image I found the following error message. I am able to access all other buckets.

ERROR AwsServiceImpl:158 - Error Message:    Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: B67F17176759690A)
ERROR AwsServiceImpl:159 - HTTP Status Code: 403
ERROR AwsServiceImpl:160 - AWS Error Code:   AccessDenied
ERROR AwsServiceImpl:161 - Error Type:       Client
ERROR AwsServiceImpl:162 - Request ID:       B67F17176759690A

Can anybody point out the reason behind the message?


  • The error message says Access Denied.

    This means that you do not have sufficient permission to access the object in S3.

    Permissions can be added either as a Bucket Policy or directly on the IAM User.