I want to remove certain UITableViewCell separators
(not all of them).
I see them in the UI, but don't understand why they don't get listed when I print out the subview hierarchy?
for view in cell.subviews {
DDLogDebug(String(describing: type(of: view)))
This seems to happen upon initial view. If I scroll the UITableView cells far out of view and then back again, the UITableViewCell's separator magically appears in the subview log printout. What's going on here?
note: I've only tested on the simulator as I don't own an iPhone X currently.
Working with UITableViewCell's outside of the cell doesn't seem as reliable as simply subclassing the cell and taking control from within it.
Hence my solution below:
class myCell: UITableViewCell {
var withSeparator: Bool = true
func layoutSubviews() {
if !withSeparator {
extension UITableViewCell {
func removeBottomSeparator() {
// Remove it if it's found.
for view in self.subviews where String(describing: type(of: view)).hasSuffix("SeparatorView") {
Using this method allows me to find the SeparatorView
every time and be able to remove it. đź‘Ť