Spring does not create an instance of class implementing ConstraintValidator
Even when I annotate RolesValidator
with @Configuartion
Spring create its instance, but validation doesn't work.
Here is my code:
@Constraint(validatedBy = [RolesValidator::class])
@Target(AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY, AnnotationTarget.FIELD)
annotation class ValidateRoles(
val message: String = "{com.app.authservice.validators.ValidateRoles.message}",
val groups: Array<KClass<*>> = arrayOf(),
val payload: Array<KClass<out Payload>> = arrayOf()
class RolesValidator : ConstraintValidator<ValidateRoles, Collection<String>> {
lateinit var allowedValues: List<String>
override fun initialize(constraintAnnotation: ValidateRoles?) {
allowedValues = RoleType.values().map { it.name }
override fun isValid(value: Collection<String>?, context: ConstraintValidatorContext?): Boolean {
return allowedValues.containsAll(value!!)
class AccountUpdateRolesDTO {
var roles: Set<String> = emptySet()
fun updateRoles(
@RequestBody @Valid body: AccountUpdateRolesDTO,
@PathVariable accountId: Long,
jwt: JWTData
): ResponseEntity<Void> {
return ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.OK)
@edit https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/issues/21242 (formerly SPR-16701)
If you leverage annotation use-site targets, Kotlin tests pass as well:
class KotlinBodyDTO {
var roles: Set<String> = emptySet()