Is there any way that able to get updated/modified image object using ReactComponent? Currently, PESDK React version only supports UI customization. After edit image in PhotoEditor, can I get exported object using ReactComponent so as to integrate it into existing react component? I couldn't find any solution in PESDK documentation.
If anyone knows the solution, please let me know Or PESDK is on progressing development yet?
Something like this should work:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
window.React = React
window.ReactDOM = ReactDOM
import PhotoEditorUI from 'photoeditorsdk/desktop-ui'
// import PhotoEditorUI from 'photoeditorsdk/react-ui'
class ApplicationComponent extends React.Component {
// Call this when you want to export the editor image
export () {
.then(image => {
// Image code here
render () {
const { ReactComponent } = PhotoEditorUI
return (<ReactComponent
license='PUT YOUR LICENSE KEY HERE' // e.h. '{"owner":"Imgly Inc.","version":"2.1", ...}'
ref={c => this.editor = c}
baseUrl: '/node_modules/photoeditorsdk/assets'
editor={{image: this.props.image }}
width: 1024,
height: 576
}} />)