
Cannot invoke 'reduce' with an argument list of type '(String, (String) -> String)'

I am trying to convert Swift 3 to Swift 4 for a repo on github. Here is a function that blocks me.

func times(_ n: Int) -> String {
    return (0..<n).reduce("") { $0 + self } 

The error Xcode gives is:

"Cannot invoke 'reduce' with an argument list of type '(String, (String) -> String)'"

I looked at Apple's official page and found reduce(_:_:) and reduce(into:_:), and someone's question. Have tried the code below but I still can't get it to work. Please point out what I am missing.

return (0..<n).character.reduce("") { string, character in
                (0..<n) + self }

return (0..<n).character.reduce("") { $0 + self }

Here $0 refers to the closure's first argument (I think). Then we can self property to refer to the current instance within its own instance methods.


  • Your closure will be receiving two parameters and you're only using one ($0). You could use $0.0 in the closure or simply use the string constructor that does the same thing without reduce:

    func times(_ n: Int) -> String 
    { return String(repeating:self, count:n) }

    OR, if you want to use Python like multiplication to repeat a string, you could add an operator:

    extension String
        static func *(lhs:String,rhs:Int) -> String
        { return String(repeating:lhs, count:rhs) }
    // then, the following will work nicely:
    "blah " * 10  // ==> "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "