I ran into a problem in the browser IE11. The project is in Angular 2/4.
Error: Multiple definitions of a property not allowed in strict mode.
In file main.bundle.js
I had the same issue, It is because I tried to use some code like a case
on ng-class
To solved I just change this
<div class="imgComment" ng-class="[{'.jpg':'imgJpg',
title="{{f.originalFileName}}" ng-click="showImage(f.sharePointPath)">
for this
<div class="imgComment {{f.style}}" title="{{f.originalFileName}}" ng-click="showImage(f.sharePointPath)"></div>
and send the class in f.Style attribute
I don't know if the problem was because I put 2 '.jpg' options in the case of the ng-class
, I just change the code and works.