
RabbitMQ Publish to Exchange Confirmation

I would like to return a retrieve a confirmation that the message was successfully published to the exchange before closing the AMQP connection. At the moment, I am using a timeout function to allow for the message to be published before closing the connection. This is not the right way. Can someone please help to retrieve a confirmation so I can close the connection based on a successful publish?

The code I am using is below:

function toExchange(msg)
    amqp.connect('amqp://localhost:5672', function(err, conn) //local connection
        conn.createChannel(function(err, ch)
            var exchange = 'MessageExchange';
            ch.assertExchange(exchange, 'fanout', {durable: true});
            ch.publish(exchange, '', new Buffer(msg));
            console.log("Sent to Exchange: %s", msg);
        setTimeout(function() { conn.close(); }, 5000);


  • You can use a RabbitMQ extension called "Publisher confirms". Here is more information:

    You are not notified when the message is published to the exchange, but when it is published and routed to all queues:

    In your case using amqplib in nodeJS you can use this snippet of code:

    It uses the callback #waitForConfirms(function(err) {...}) that triggers when all published messages have been confirmed.