
TTNavigator on IPad

I want to start using THree20's TTNavigator in my app, however I read here that it shouldn't be used on IPad.

I don't really get the explanation, and what using url browsing mechanism has to do the with the IPad screen size.

Did anyone encountered problem with TTNavigator on IPad ?

I don't want to start using to later find out I have problems running the app on an IPad.


  • The reason is that TTNavigator is written so that it adds a TTNavigationController to the application's window. You can use it in this fashion if you'd like and it will work but that's not how most developers want to use it on the iPad. We want to be able to have a a TTNavigator control the view hierarchy in one (if not both) of the view controller(s) in a split view.

    Because TTNavigator is designed to work automatically on the app's key UIWindow it doesn't directly support being added as a view controller in a UISplitViewController.

    You can hack Three20 to make it work or you can wait a few more weeks for official support from the Three20 developers.