
Get param 'Link' in the Header with Guzzle

I am using a third-party API. And the API has a pagination to navigate through the data. In the header I get the Link parameter where the next, previous, first and last are located, but when I get the Link param with Guzzle I get a *String*.

$responseAPI = $httpClient->get($uri);

$linkHeader = $responseAPI->getHeader("Link");

I got:

'"; rel="next","; rel="prev"'

Is there a way to access the Link with the 'rel' keyword? Like it's an array? or in some other way?


  • You can use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\parse_header($response->getHeader('Link')) see the docs:

    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    $response = $client->get(';rel="next",;rel="prev"');