I would like to compare Q method against L method, and I have considered 2 different contrasts (at the end), but I am not sure which on is correct?
There are 2 different methods (Q and L) and from each one there are 2 biological replicates (L4,L6-L8 and Q3,Q5-Q7), and 2 technical replications from each biological replicate. as below:
biological_replicate method
L4_rep1 L4 L
L4_rep2 L4 L
L6_L8_rep1 L6_L8 L
L6_L8_rep2 L6_L8 L
Q3_rep1 Q3 Q
Q3_rep2 Q3 Q
Q5_Q7_rep1 Q5_Q7 Q
Q5_Q7_rep2 Q5_Q7 Q
design$biological_replicate <- factor(design$biological_replicate, levels = c("L4","L6_L8", "Q3", "Q5_Q7"))
design$method <- factor(design$method, levels = c("L", "Q"))
Group <- factor(paste(design$biological_replicate,design$method,sep="."))
design<- cbind(design,Group)
biological_replicate method Group
L4_rep1 L4 L L4.L
L4_rep2 L4 L L4.L
L6_L8_rep1 L6_L8 L L6_L8.L
L6_L8_rep2 L6_L8 L L6_L8.L
Q3_rep1 Q3 Q Q3.Q
Q3_rep2 Q3 Q Q3.Q
Q5_Q7_rep1 Q5_Q7 Q Q5_Q7.Q
Q5_Q7_rep2 Q5_Q7 Q Q5_Q7.Q
design.matrix <- model.matrix(~0+Group,design)
colnames(design.matrix) <- levels(Group)
L4.L L6_L8.L Q3.Q Q5_Q7.Q
L4_rep1 1 0 0 0
L4_rep2 1 0 0 0
L6_L8_rep1 0 1 0 0
L6_L8_rep2 0 1 0 0
Q3_rep1 0 0 1 0
Q3_rep2 0 0 1 0
Q5_Q7_rep1 0 0 0 1
Q5_Q7_rep2 0 0 0 1
[1] 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"
my.contrasts_1 <- makeContrasts(QvsL = (Q3.Q+Q5_Q7.Q)/2-(L4.L+L6_L8.L)/2, levels = design.matrix)
my.contrasts_2 <- makeContrasts(QvsL = (Q3.Q+Q5_Q7.Q)-(L4.L+L6_L8.L), levels = design.matrix)
First of all, technical replicates need to be summed for differential expression analysis. You simply add both counts together.
Once you have summed the technical replicates, your data should look like this:
Sample <- c("L4", "L6_L8", "Q3", "Q5_Q7")
Method <- c("L", "L", "Q", "Q")
df <- data.frame(Sample, Method)
Sample Method
1 L4 L
2 L6_L8 L
3 Q3 Q
4 Q5_Q7 Q
Designing the matrix is now simple:
design.matrix <- model.matrix(~0 + Method)
colnames(design.matrix) <- c("L","Q")
MethodL MethodQ
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 0 1
4 0 1
The contrast also becomes simple to generate:
my_contrast <- makeContrasts(L-Q, levels = design.matrix)
Levels L - Q
L 1
Q -1
This isn't part of your question, but you have the absolute minimum number of biological replicates, assuming the above table is representative of your actual data. Do not treat technical replicates as biological replicates. You will increase your type 1 error.