How can i access the total "user mode stack trace database" created by "gflags.exe" like sql DB? Otherwise, could you tell me some API docs about ust DB?
I truned on the +ust flag using "gflags.exe", So i can get stack trace creating a memory block.
But i want to compile statistics memory allocation group by callstack (like umdh or leakdiag) just for study. I guess there is some interface for query the ust DB, but i can't find.. Is there some way to query to or enumerate the ust DB?
Use UMDH as the API. UMDH uses text files to store its data:
umdh -pn:Program.exe -f:before.txt
// do something
umdh -pn:Program.exe -f:after.txt
And you can even repeat these steps to get more text files. You then have n text files (that's your "database") that you can parse (you'll have to write the query in some programming language like C# or Python) and analyze.
There are tools out there which already work like this. In my former company we used UMDHGrapher (not publically available) and there is UmdhViz or Umdh Visualize which all do it that way.