
disable jshint for project using Sublime 3

I have a project in which I'm using standard as the default linter, according to sublimeLinter documentation y need to create a .sublime-project file with the following info:

            "path": "."
            "jshint": {
                "disable": true

however this isn't working, I've tried using both disable and @disable, created a .sublimelinterrc file with the same info, also tried with a .sublime-workspacefile, didn't worked, created a .jshintignore... didnt work.

Until now, the only thing that has worked is using this line in top of the file // jshint ignore: start but I don't want to write this in every single file, I want to disable it for all the project. Any idea of how can I do it?


  • As mentioned by OdatNurd the file won't do nothing by itself, it has to be loaded through the sublime project option in menu.