
How to fix "No available formula" warning for Homebrew

When I start a new terminal session, I keep getting

Error: No available formula with the name "homebrew/php/php56"
Please tap it and then try again: brew tap homebrew/php

warning. I tried brew tap homebrew/php but got

Error: homebrew/php was deprecated. This tap is now empty as all its formulae were migrated.

Also, tried brew doctor, brew cleanup, brew update & brew upgrade but no luck. Does anyone have a solution to this annoying warning?


  • Have a look in the configuration file for your shell (~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, or similar) and remove the offending items.

    In my case I still had a reference to it in my export PATH line. Removing $(brew --prefix homebrew/php/php56)/bin from that line should clear those warnings on startup.