Here is some Parse-Server
related swift code that does not work, probably only because of some obvious syntax mistake.
If someone could point out the issue I would be very happy and grateful.
func getSentenceTranslations(_ sentences:[PFObject]) {
let query = PFQuery(className: "TranslationsList")
query.whereKey("sentence", containedIn: sentences)
query.findObjectsInBackground {
[weak self] (objects: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in
if error != nil {
print("Error in \(#function)\n" + (error?.localizedDescription)!)
// The line below prints the expected number (> 0).
print("\(objects?.count ?? 99) translations found.")
for sentence in sentences {
for translation in objects! {
// The following does not work!!
if (translation.value(forKey: "sentence") as! PFObject) == sentence {
print("FTF: \(sentence.value(forKey: "sentence")!)") // MISSING!!
But the fact is that if I stop the debugger at the right moment, I can see that there should be a hit on the line commented (MISSING!!). Here is what the debugger shows:
(lldb) p sentence.debugDescription
(String) $R31 = "<SentencesList: 0x1073j7450, objectId: krxX9WsZuxK, localId: (null)> {\n order = 3;\n owner = Ht8AbcR543;\n sentence = \"Hello big world of things.\";\n}"
(lldb) p translation.debugDescription
(String) $R32 = "<TranslationsList: 0x10739f0e0, objectId: FoBdjoPF1n, localId: (null)> {\n order = 0;\n owner = Ht8AbcR543;\n sentence = \"<SentencesList: 0x1073aa8c0, objectId: krxX9WsZuxK, localId: (null)>\";\n translation = \"Die Welt von immer!\";\n}"
We can see that the value krxX9WsZuxK is found both on sentence (objectId) and on translation (sentence field) so I expect a line like this:
FTF: .......
to be printed and this does not happen. So I suspect there is a mistake in the line:
if (translation.value(forKey: "sentence") as! PFObject) == sentence {
I tried various other variations all failing.
After searching and trying many things, here is what worked:
I needed to replace this line:
if (translation.value(forKey: "sentence") as! PFObject) == sentence {
by this:
if (translation.value(forKey: "sentence") as! PFObject).value(forKey: "objectId") as! String ==
sentence.value(forKey: "objectId") as! String {
It makes perfect sense, but I was hoping for some kind of short hand writing. Anyway, I hope it will at some point be useful to someone else too.