I've attached a query to my React Native component like so:
let getNearbyStoriesQuery = gql`{
getStoriesNearbyByGeoHash(geoHash: "8k"){
export default graphql(getNearbyStoriesQuery,
props: (props) => {
let storiesNearby = props.data.getStoriesNearbyByGeoHash.map((story) => {
return {
id: story.id,
return {storiesNearby};
variables: {
geoHash: mockGeoHash
})(Home); // Home is the React Native Component
I'm able to retrieve data from using this technique as long as I hardcode a value in for geoHash in the query; in this case I used "8k". However, when I attempt to modify the query so that I can puss in a variable like so:
let getNearbyStoriesQuery = gql`{
getStoriesNearbyByGeoHash($geoHash: String!){
I get an error saying Expected Name, found $
. This method of passing variables to queries is repeated across multiple sources. What am I doing wrong here?
Should be:
query GetStoriesNearbyByGeoHash($geoHash: String!) {
getStoriesNearbyByGeoHash(geoHash: $geoHash){
Have a look on how to use variables in graphql: http://graphql.org/learn/queries/#variables