During the guide I followed from I have an error: CoreMD using Python
Need to create a simple dataset following the guide. The only difference between guide is made by me:
data["personalityType"] = data["path"].apply( lambda path: "Enfj" if "enfj" in path
else lambda path: "Enfp" if "enfp" in path
else lambda path: "Entj" if "entj" in path
else lambda path: "Entp" if "entp" in path
else lambda path: "Esfj" if "esfj" in path
else lambda path: "Esfp" if "esfp" in path
else lambda path: "Estj" if "estj" in path
else lambda path: "Estp" if "estp" in path
else lambda path: "Infj" if "Infj" in path
else lambda path: "Infp" if "infp" in path
else lambda path: "Intj" if "intj" in path
else lambda path: "Intp" if "intp" in path
else lambda path: "Isfj" if "isfj" in path
else lambda path: "Isfp" if "isfp" in path
else lambda path: "Istj" if "istj" in path
else "Istp")
instead of:
data["foodType"] = data["path"].apply(lambda path: "Rice" if "rice"
The error log in Terminal:
python classifier.py
Traceback (most recent call last): File "classifier.py", line 20, in data.save("ptype.sframe")
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/turicreate/data_structures/sframe.py", line 2808, in save raise ValueError("Unsupported format: {}".format(format))
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/turicreate/cython/context.py", line 49, in exit raise exc_type(exc_value)
RuntimeError: Exception in python callback function evaluation:
TypeError("Cannot convert type 'function' into flexible type.",):
Traceback (most recent call last): File "turicreate/cython/cy_pylambda_workers.pyx", line 427, in turicreate.cython.cy_pylambda_workers._eval_lambda File "turicreate/cython/cy_pylambda_workers.pyx", line 172, in turicreate.cython.cy_pylambda_workers.lambda_evaluator.eval_simple
File "turicreate/cython/cy_flexible_type.pyx", line 1306, in turicreate.cython.cy_flexible_type.process_common_typed_list File "turicreate/cython/cy_flexible_type.pyx", line 1251, in turicreate.cython.cy_flexible_type._fill_typed_sequence File "turicreate/cython/cy_flexible_type.pyx", line 1636, in turicreate.cython.cy_flexible_type._ft_translateTypeError: Cannot convert type 'function' into flexible type.
What the problem could be, because I can't run my classifier.py with Python 2.7
Replace your nested if
/ else
construct with a simple function.
Below is an example:
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['enfpD', 'iNfp', 'sadintj', 'abc']})
choices = {'enfp', 'entj' , 'entp', 'esfj' , 'esfp',
'estj', 'estp', 'infj', 'infp', 'intj',
'intp', 'isfj', 'isfp', 'istj'}
def changer(x):
match = next((c for c in choices if c in x), None)
if match:
return match.title()
return 'Istp'
df['A'] = df['A'].apply(changer)
# A
# 0 Enfp
# 1 Istp
# 2 Intj
# 3 Istp