I use find_package()
to find some library. How do I know which variables it defines, so I could use them for linking with that library?
For example, the following CMakeLists.txt
successfully is run by CMake, but then make
fails at the linking stage, because ${DOCOPT_LIBRARIES}
was empty.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
find_package(docopt REQUIRED)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_LIBS})
But I have no idea what else to try?
The usage of results of find_package(XXX)
depends on the script which is actually used by this command:
This file is either shipped with the project which wants to use it, or with CMake. Usually, such "Find" scripts start with some description about their usage.
or xxx-config.cmake
"Config" scripts are usually installed with the package. Normally, they are generated by CMake using specific CMake commands. You need to consult the package's documentation for use such scripts properly.
If the package doesn't document the usage of its "Config" script, then you may only guess about its usage.
Reading a "Config" script itself could be difficult: CMake includes into it a lot of "sugar", which helps portability and compatibility.
Normally, a "Config" script provides some IMPORTED library target(s), which can be used with target_link_libraries
One may scan the project's CMakeLists.txt
for a line like
install(TARGETS <targets...> EXPORT ...)
Here <targets...>
denotes targets, which can be accessed after find_package()
Also scan for a line like
install(EXPORT ...)
if it has NAMESPACE option, then its value prepends all exported targets.
For docopt package, its CMakeLists.txt contains a line
thus its docopt
target is exported.
As installation of the export file
install(EXPORT ${export_name} DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/docopt")
doesn't contain NAMESPACE option, the export target is accessible with its original name:
find_package(docopt REQUIRED)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
# Use *IMPORTED* 'docopt' target
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} docopt)