I setup OpenGrok on a Windows Server 2012R2, and trying to index an SVN repository that resides on the same server.
I managed to have the source indexed and OpenGrok basically working but history/annotate features are not enabled.
I followed those steps:
I made a working copy on the same machine and the run the indexing with these lines
set PATH=C:\the\path\to\svn\executable;%PATH%
REM my repo requires authentication, so I added this vars
java -jar lib\opengrok.jar -W .\configuration.xml -c C:\path\of\ctags.exe -P -S -v -r on -s C:\path\of\src -d .\grokdata
By doing this I cannot see any meaningful info on opengrok.log, only this suspicious line:
...done scanning for repositories (0s) --> it seems too fast
Then I run tomcat, also ensuring to have SVN on the PATH and the variables for authentication
set PATH=C:\the\path\to\svn\executable;%PATH%
BUT history/annotate features are not enabled
My setup: Opengrok 1.0 - Subversion 1.9.2 - Apache Tomcat 8.5.30
It seems you need to use the "-H" option:
Generate history cache for all repositories
To see all option execute:
java -jar lib\opengrok.jar