
How to use jenkins pipeline with nvm wrapper plugin?

I'm using pipeline (Jenkinsfile) and I need to change node version. i added the Nvm Wrapper Plugin but i don't know how to use it properly from Jenkinsfile

should i add the nvm('...') {} inside steps? or should it be somewhere top level in the node step? currently i don't even have the node step - everything is done using sh


  • what worked for me:

    pipeline {
      agent any
      stages {
        stage("Build") {
          steps {
             nvm(nvmInstallURL: '', 
                 nvmIoJsOrgMirror: '',
                 nvmNodeJsOrgMirror: '', 
                 version: '8.1.2') {
                        sh "npm install"
                        echo "Build main site distribution"
                        sh "npm run build:dist"