
Automating Google Slides production

I'm wondering if there may be a way to programmatically create presentations in Google Slides. So for example if underlying data changes I can just refresh the deck without lots of copy paste for all the charts etc.

Something similar to using like markdown and R slidify to produce data driven PDF presentations. My end product needs to be a nice pretty Google Slides presentation.

Is this the sort of thing I could use the Google Drive API for? I'm not sure if App Script can be used for Slides like you can for Sheets.

Am hoping it's a common enough problem that a solution exists.

One option is to just automatically produce a PDF and then manually import into Google Slides. Problem is that this approach is a bit limited due to errors on conversion and lack of other Slides functionality.

Any input much appreciated.


  • It's 2018, and great news (and answers!) to this older question: