I have this function that finds whole words and should replace them. It identifies spaces but should not replace them, ie, not capture them.
function asd (sentence, word) {
str = sentence.replace(new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)' + word + '(?:$|\\s)'), "*****");
return str;
Then I have the following strings:
var sentence = "ich mag Äpfel";
var word = "Äpfel";
The result should be something like:
"ich mag *****"
and NOT:
"ich mag*****"
I'm getting the latter.
How can I make it so that it identifies the space but ignores it when replacing the word?
At first this may seem like a duplicate but I did not find an answer to this question, that's why I'm asking it.
Thank you
You should put back the matched whitespaces by using a capturing group (rather than a non-capturing one) with a replacement backreference in the replacement pattern, and you may also leverage a lookahead for the right whitespace boundary, which is handy in case of consecutive matches:
function asd (sentence, word) {
str = sentence.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + word + '(?=$|\\s)'), "$1*****");
return str;
var sentence = "ich mag Äpfel";
var word = "Äpfel";
console.log(asd(sentence, word));
See the regex demo.
- Group 1 (later referred to with the help of a $1
placeholder in the replacement pattern): a capturing group that matches either start of string or a whitespaceÄpfel
- a search word(?=$|\s)
- a positive lookahead that requires the end of string or whitespace immediately to the right of the current location.NOTE: If the word
can contain special regex metacharacters, escape them:
function asd (sentence, word) {
str = sentence.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + word.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') + '(?=$|\\s)'), "$1*****");
return str;