
SonarQube 6.7.2 doesn't start because of PLSQL

We upgraded from SonarQube 5.6 to 6.7.2 and also manually upgraded the plugins, including SonarPLSQL from 2.8 to 3.2.0 We are using the community version but have a valid (paid) licence for the plugin. When trying to start we get the error:

org.sonar.updatecenter.common.exception.PluginNotFoundException: The plugin 'license' required by 'plsql' is missing.

When removing the plugin from the plugins-folder SonarQube starts without problems.

Can you please help us?


  • The way licenses work have changed in the latest LTS. This is why you've got this error.

    As you have a valid license of the PLSQL plugin, this means that you are a SonarSource customer so you should get in touch the SonarSource Sales representative you are in contact with to sort this out.