Hi I need to print the value 10.50785 as 10.50 instead of 10.51.
I tried like this <t t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(float(10.50785))"/>
, but it's returning the value as 10.51.
In your _wrapped_report_class
, define a function like
_floor(self, value):
return math.floor(value * 100) / 100 # Since you'd like to get 2 digits it's 100
or if you may want to use the same thing with a different number of digits:
_floor(self, value, n):
return math.floor(value * math.pow(10, n)) / math.pow(10, n)
Don't forget to import the math lib on the top of the class.
import math
Then in your qweb t-esc
<t t-esc="'{0:,.2f}'.format(floor(10.50785))"/>
This is just an example of calling defined function in the wrapped report class from the qweb, but I hope you got the idea.