I am running this code in Neo4j:
//Creates an edge labeled "Mentioned".
LOAD CSV FROM "file:///datafile.csv" AS row
MERGE (u:ChatItem {id: toInteger(row[0])})
MERGE (t:User {id: toInteger(row[1])})
MERGE (u)-[:Mentioned{timeStamp: toInteger(row[2])}]->(c)
//userid, userid, timestamp
And I got this warning: The execution plan for this query contains the Eager operator, which forces all dependent data to be materialized in main memory before proceeding
Using LOAD CSV with a large data set in a query where the execution plan contains the Eager operator could potentially consume a lot of memory and is likely to not perform well. See the Neo4j Manual entry on the Eager operator for more information and hints on how problems could be avoided.
Here is an overview of the dataset:
What does it mean and what can I do about it ?
This is because you are creating (or not) nodes and then creating (or not) a relationship between them.
Within a single Cypher statement, Neo4j has to isolate changes that affect matches further on, e.g. when you CREATE nodes with a label that are suddenly matched by a later MATCH or MERGE operation.
That's why you have an eager
To avoid it, you can :
on the relationship to a CREATE
(if it's possible)