
Extract rowwise_df regressions to display using texreg

Inspired by SO this answer I'm using the do to perform several regressions at once, I would however like to display my output using and do() produces a rowwise_df object, but if I extract the list of regression some information seem to have been lost. Is there a simple way to solve this? The minimal example below.

First some required packages

# install.packages(c("tidyverse", "broom", "texreg"), dependencies = TRUE)

Second, some dummy data

df.h = data.frame( 
  hour     = factor(rep(1:6, each = 21)),
  price    = runif(504, min = -10, max = 125),
  wind     = runif(504, min = 0, max = 2500),
  temp     = runif(504, min = - 10, max = 25)  

Third the do()

dfHour = df.h %>% group_by(hour) %>%
  do(fitHour = lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = .))

Forth, get the coefficients by group in a tidy data_frame

dfHourCoef = tidy(dfHour, fitHour)

#> # A tibble: 72 x 6
#> # Groups:   hour [6]
#>    hour  term          estimate std.error statistic  p.value
#>    <fct> <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 1     (Intercept)  78.2       17.6       4.44    0.000316
#>  2 1     wind          0.000145   0.0107    0.0135  0.989   
#>  3 1     temp        - 1.27       0.834    -1.52    0.145   
#>  4 2     (Intercept)  69.7       18.9       3.68    0.00171 
#>  5 2     wind        - 0.0150     0.0121   -1.24    0.232   
#>  6 2     temp        - 0.00355    0.989    -0.00359 0.997   
#>  7 3     (Intercept)  61.0       14.1       4.32    0.000413
#>  8 3     wind        - 0.00599    0.00987  -0.607   0.552   
#>  9 3     temp          0.603      0.704     0.858   0.402   
#> 10 4     (Intercept)  57.9       19.1       3.02    0.00729 
#> # ... with 8 more rows

I would however like to use , I've tried something like this, but the output gets scrambled up somehow.

#> [1] "list"
screenreg(dfHour[[2]]) # Not working

Doing it manually would look something like this:

fit1 <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = subset(df.h, hour == 1))
fit2 <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = subset(df.h, hour == 2))
fit3 <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = subset(df.h, hour == 3))
fit4 <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = subset(df.h, hour == 4))
fit5 <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = subset(df.h, hour == 5))
fit6 <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = subset(df.h, hour == 6))

fits <- list(fit1, fit2, fit3, fit4, fit5, fit6)
#> =================================================================================
#>              Model 1     Model 2    Model 3     Model 4    Model 5     Model 6   
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> (Intercept)   78.23 ***   69.73 **   60.96 ***   57.87 **   89.18 ***   64.29 ***
#>              (17.62)     (18.94)    (14.11)     (19.14)    (19.08)     (15.62)   
#> wind           0.00       -0.01      -0.01       -0.01      -0.01        0.00    
#>               (0.01)      (0.01)     (0.01)      (0.01)     (0.01)      (0.01)   
#> temp          -1.27       -0.00       0.60        1.39      -0.48       -2.17 *  
#>               (0.83)      (0.99)     (0.70)      (0.94)     (0.98)      (0.93)   
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> R^2            0.11        0.08       0.05        0.11       0.06        0.23    
#> Adj. R^2       0.02       -0.02      -0.05        0.01      -0.05        0.15    
#> Num. obs.     21          21         21          21         21          21       
#> RMSE          35.24       41.60      32.59       41.44      39.87       38.39    
#> =================================================================================
#> *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05#> 


  • We can pull the 'fitHour' and apply screenreg

    out <- dfHour %>% 
             pull(fitHour) %>% 



    #             Model 1  Model 2  Model 3   Model 4    Model 5    Model 6     Model 7  Model 8    Model 9    Model 10    Model 11    Model 12    Model 13   Model 14    Model 15   Model 16  Model 17   Model 18   Model 19  Model 20   Model 21  Model 22    Model 23   Model 24  
    #(Intercept)   32.42    26.59    43.68 *   52.69 **   48.22 **   70.75 ***   48.65    51.23 **   63.47 **   68.99 ***  102.76 ***   64.77 ***   77.99 **   82.14 ***   50.16 **   50.87 *   69.29 **   64.07 **   31.96     66.61 **   44.88 *   88.75 ***   47.27 **   83.94 ***
    #             (19.57)  (19.59)  (15.44)   (16.96)    (16.05)    (15.81)     (25.35)  (15.93)    (20.87)    (15.09)     (15.62)     (16.50)     (20.63)    (12.96)     (16.84)    (20.74)   (19.68)    (22.24)    (19.97)   (19.48)    (21.17)   (17.92)     (14.79)    (19.90)   
    #wind           0.02     0.02     0.00      0.00       0.01      -0.00       -0.01     0.00      -0.01      -0.00       -0.04 ***    0.01       -0.01      -0.01       -0.00      -0.00     -0.00       0.00       0.02      0.00      -0.00     -0.03 *      0.01      -0.01    
    #              (0.01)   (0.01)   (0.01)    (0.02)     (0.01)     (0.01)      (0.01)   (0.01)     (0.01)     (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)     (0.01)      (0.01)     (0.01)    (0.01)     (0.01)     (0.01)    (0.01)     (0.01)    (0.01)      (0.01)     (0.01)   
    #temp           0.33     0.57    -0.97     -0.09      -0.65      -0.95        0.99    -0.56      -0.27       1.21       -0.84       -0.82       -0.76      -0.67        0.66      -0.02     -0.50       0.62       0.21     -0.75       1.29      0.60        1.04       0.40    
    #              (0.90)   (0.85)   (0.76)    (0.93)     (0.67)     (0.90)      (1.09)   (1.05)     (0.91)     (0.91)      (0.72)      (0.90)      (0.90)     (0.56)      (1.06)     (1.05)    (1.06)     (0.77)     (0.94)    (0.98)     (1.00)    (0.87)      (0.73)     (1.05)   
    #R^2            0.10     0.11     0.10      0.00       0.07       0.06        0.07     0.02       0.01       0.10        0.52        0.05        0.06       0.16        0.02       0.00      0.02       0.04       0.10      0.03       0.09      0.20        0.18       0.08    
    #Adj. R^2      -0.00     0.01    -0.00     -0.11      -0.04      -0.04       -0.03    -0.09      -0.10      -0.01        0.47       -0.06       -0.05       0.06       -0.09      -0.11     -0.09      -0.07       0.00     -0.07      -0.01      0.12        0.08      -0.03    
    #Num. obs.     21       21       21        21         21         21          21       21         21         21          21          21          21         21          21         21        21         21         21        21         21        21          21         21       
    #RMSE          36.96    37.34    32.60     45.40      35.19      41.34       42.79    39.51      38.83      35.61       28.44       39.39       38.70      30.11       40.61      40.08     40.88      40.13      41.68     43.08      42.78     39.12       30.62      40.79    

    If we need to apply on individual models of 'dfHour'

    dfHour2 <- dfHour %>%
                 ungroup %>%
                 mutate(Texreg = map(fitHour, screenreg))

    The whole exercise can be done without do as well

    df.h %>%
         group_by(hour) %>% 
         nest(-hour) %>% 
         mutate(model = map(data,  ~ {
             mod <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = .x)
            tibble(list(mod), Texreg = list(screenreg(mod)))})) %>%
        select(-data) %>%