I have a dataset like this:
| Name | 2017 | 2018 |
| Alice | 12 | 15 |
| Bob | 11 | 10 |
I want to plot it with horizontal stacked bar chart such that on the Y axis I have Alice and Bob and on the X axis there are numbers from the table (Alice's bar has 12 and then 15-proportional length, similarly for Bob).
I tried to get data for 2017 first, so I did
using DataFrames, Gadfly
df = readtable("a.csv")
plot(df, x="2017", Geom.bar)
where a.csv
But I got
Error showing value of type Gadfly.Plot:
ERROR: UndefVarError: unshift! not defined
I also tried
plot(df, x="2017", y="Name", Geom.bar)
And got
Error showing value of type Gadfly.Plot:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{String})
Here the problem seems to be with the fact that the data on Y axis is non-numeric.
I have Julia 0.6.2.
You can do this
df_tr = stack(df, [:x2017,:x2018])
Gadfly.plot(df_tr, color = "variable", x="value", y="Name",
Geom.bar(position=:stack, orientation= :horizontal))
i got something like this: