I have this piece of code in Thymeleaf:
<tr th:each="image: ${images}" >
<img id="|'idAwesomeIcon${image.id}'|" .. />
also I tried
<tr th:each="image: ${images}" >
<img id=“idAwesomeIcon|${image.id}|" .. />
also I tried
<tr th:each="image: ${images}" >
<img id="\'idAwesomeIcon' + ${image.id} +'\'" .. />
expecting the id to be replace with something like idAwesomeIcon666
but when I see the source code of the HTML page there is no such a substitution and I can still see ${image.id}
You have to use th:id attribute if you want to dynamically populate values
<img th:id="'idAwesomeIcon'+${image.id}" .. />