
diaspora: how to apply admin role?

I have a pod running based on

I found a FAQ entry about the Admin Role

Unfortunately, the "rails console" does not work in that container (1).

Could I add the admin role directly in the database? I found my intitial user in the "users" table and see a "roles" table that is currently empty. Just unsure what I would have to INSERT there

(1) on first try I got a bundle not found. I figured that I had to install that missing gem. But even with that done I don't get the mentioned command to run:

diaspora@e4447573f534:~$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory


  • It looks like diaspora* is installed to /home/diaspora/diaspora within the image. You need to run the command in the FAQ from within that folder, so cd to it first.