
known_hosts file on HCI giving Error: HostKey has been changed

I'm trying to add the known_hosts file on HCI. I added the RSS public key on SSH server and added that public key in known_hosts file with host_name ssh-rsa in prefix with RSA public key. Hence the output is like: host_name ssh-rsa AAAAB...

When I uploaded the key on HCI then I got an error

Message processing failed

Processing Time: 9 sec 673 ms

Error Details

org.apache.camel. component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException: Cannot connect to s, cause: com.jcraft.jsch.jSchException: HostKey has been changed:

Host Key error

Till now, my SFTP is enabled with its public key and now trying to upload known.hosts file on HCI, and I'm not sure where to upload the private key of SFTP. I'm having 3 files:

Keys for SFTP


  • You need to create keys via SAP, nothing else will work