I am trying to migrate my Oracle database to an AWS Redshift cluster, and I am following the steps as documented in the AWS website.
When I try to create a project in AWS Schema Conversion Tool, configured for Oracle (running in my laptop), I am unable to get a successful connection.
Here's the error I get:
Connection to 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl' wasn't established. ERROR: code: 28009; message: ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER
Please note that in Schema Conversion Tool project page, I don't see a section "Connect as SYSDBA" option? I tried with some other sample users such as SCOTT, and I get Insufficient privileges.
With the same configurations am able to connect from an SQL client, SQLWorkbench.
To connect to Schema conversion tool you need a user having permissions as connect ,select_catalog_role and select any dictionary. Make sure these permissions are set correctly. Either create a new user with these permissions or modify rights of exiting user. SYS\SYSDBA will not be helpful.
As you are in localhost, with given permissions, you should be able to connect.