I'm writing a program for class in Java regarding red/black trees. I've got a good understanding of how they usually work, and am supposed to use a recursive insertion method. What I would typically use is below, to match my professor's Node class. In regards to color, a 0 is black, a 1 is red. The Node class given to us does not deal with keys at all.
private static void put(int val, int col)
{ root = put(root, val, col); }
private static Node put(Node n, Integer val, int col)
if (n == null){
Node t=new Node(val);
return t;
int cmp = val.compareTo(n.getValue());
if (cmp < 0) n.setLeft(put(n.getLeft(), val, col));
else if (cmp > 0) n.setRight(put(n.getRight(), val, col));
else n.setColor(col);
if (isRed(n.getRight()) && !isRed(n.getLeft())) n = rotateLeft(n);
if (isRed(n.getLeft()) && isRed(n.getLeft().getLeft())) n = rotateRight(n);
if (isRed(n.getLeft()) && isRed(n.getRight())) flipColors(n);
return n;
However, the catch is that we are supposed to return a boolean value--if the user inserts a duplicate value as is already on the tree, we return false and don't attach the node. Otherwise, we attach them and return true; the code given to us for this is below, but is not recursive (part of the project requirements). And while I hadn't implemented a way of balancing or rotating properly, the returned boolean part works.
public boolean insertNode(Node node) {
//Here is just an example of setting colors for a node. So far, it is in green color. But you need to modify the code to dynamically adjust the color to
//either RED or BLACK according to the red-black logic
Node current_node;
// if the root exists
if (root == null) {
root = node; // let the root point to the current node
return true;
} else {
current_node = root;
while (current_node != null) {
int value = current_node.getValue();
if (node.getValue() < value){ // go to the left sub-tree
if (current_node.getLeft() != null) // if the left node is not empty
current_node = current_node.getLeft();
else{ // put node as the left child of current_node
current_node = null; }
else if (node.getValue() > value){ // go to the right
if (current_node.getRight() != null) // if the right node is not empty
current_node = current_node.getRight();
else{ // put node as the right child of current_node
current_node = null; }
//System.out.println("Right: "+current_node);
//System.out.println("Else: "+current_node);
return false; }
// flipColors(node);
System.out.println("Case: node has parent, val="+node.getValue());
if((node.getLeft().isRed()) && (node.getRight().isRed()))
return true;
I wasn't able to find any comparable implementations online, and it seems that the boolean is necessary for the program's gui to work properly. If someone has a good suggestion for where to start, I would appreciate it!
For the recursive insertNode, I would suggest you the following: Create a function insertNode(Node node, Node current_node)
which returns a boolean
value. The idea is to always call the function insertNode for the currently investigated node, starting from the root node. If the node cannot be immediately added to current_node, the responsible node is called recursively to handle the node. I have provided you a short example based on your code (with some comments what the basic idea is, there is obviously some stuff missing). I hope, I got your question correctly and this helps you with your understanding.
public boolean insertNode(Node node) {
if (root == null) {
root = node;
return true;
} else {
boolean result = insertNode(node, root);
if (result) {
//Some other important stuff to do...
return result;
public boolean insertNode(Node node, Node current_node) {
int value = current_node.getValue();
if (node.getValue() < value) {
if (current_node.getLeft() != null) {
// Investigate left
return insertNode(node, current_node.getLeft());
} else {
// Insert node left
return true;
} else if (node.getValue() > value) {
if (current_node.getRight() != null) {
// Investigate right
return insertNode(node, current_node.getRight());
} else {
// Insert node right
return true;
} else {
return false;