I am trying to query Azure Table Storage using Python. An int32 datatype column doesn't return its value but returns something like this azure.storage.table.models.EntityProperty obj..... But, in case of string datatype columns, i am not facing any such issues. Could someone please help me ?
The column Pos in below script is an integer column in the table
queryfilter = "startDateTime gt datetime'%s' and temp eq '%s'" % (datefilter, temp)
task = table_service.query_entities(azureTable, filter=queryfilter)
for t in task:
Looking at the documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/python/api/azure.cosmosdb.table.models.entityproperty?view=azure-python, can you try the following?
for t in task: print(t.Pos.value)