My algorithm is as shown below:
max_so_far = 0
max_ending_here = 0
Loop for each element of the array
(a) max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i]
(b) if(max_ending_here < 0)
max_ending_here = 0
(c) if(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
max_so_far = max_ending_here
return max_so_far
On the basis of that, the code that I have written is as shown below:
def maxSubArraySum(a,size):
max_so_far = 0
max_ending_here = 0
for i in range(0, size):
max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i]
if max_ending_here < 0:
max_ending_here = 0
# Do not compare for all elements. Compare only
# when max_ending_here > 0
elif (max_so_far < max_ending_here):
max_so_far = max_ending_here
return max_so_far
# Driver function to check the above function
a = [-1,-2,-3,-4]
print ("Maximum contiguous sum is", maxSubArraySum(a,len(a))).
This code somehow gives me output 0
when the array is [-1,-2,-3,-4]
. Is there anything which I should rectify in my current code?
Simple idea of the Kadane's algorithm is to look for all positive contiguous segments of the array (max_ending_here is used for this). And keep track of maximum sum contiguous segment among all positive segments (max_so_far is used for this).
As such, a list with all negative numbers will trip the algorithm.
If you think about it though, maximum sum of all negative integer list is nothing but max(list_of_negative_integers)
However, if you want to create a generic solution,
and a flag
. max_in_array
up-to-date while looping.max_so_far
otherwise max_in_array
Here is an implementation for reference:
def max_sub_array_sum(arr):
max_so_far = max_ending_here = 0
max_in_arr = arr[0]
flag = True
for item in arr:
if flag:
max_in_arr = max(max_in_arr, item)
max_ending_here = max(0, max_ending_here + item)
max_so_far = max(max_so_far, max_ending_here)
if item > 0:
flag = False
return max_in_arr if flag else max_so_far
Another approach without extra vars:
def max_sub_array_sum(arr):
max_so_far = curr_max = arr[0]
for item in arr[1:]:
curr_max = max(item, curr_max + item)
max_so_far = max(max_so_far, curr_max)
return max_so_far