is it possible to disable checkbox selection by preserving some selected rows rendered with some constraints? I dont want to allow users to deselect rows which were selected while rendering.
I found this.gridOptions.suppressCellSelection = true;
but this just hides the checkbox whereas i need to show the checkbox in disable mode.
I resolved it by adding rowClassRules
in GridOptions
rowClassRules: {
'ag-row-selected' : function(params) {
return params.node.selected === true;
This will add css as below to disable checkbox click
.ag-cell .ag-cell-wrapper .ag-selection-checkbox .ag-icon-checkbox-checked {
pointer-events: none;
RowClass rules are applied when grid is updated/refreshed or nodes are updated. I did it by updating specific nodes
// this is to trigger rowClass for selected/non-selected rows
// to disable checkbox selection