I'm trying to get myself acquainted with socket.io and node. https://socket.io/docs/rooms-and-namespaces/
This is my reference.
var socketIO = require('socket.io')(http);
socketIO.on('connection', function(socket) {
socketIO.in(users[key].room).emit('newmsg', data);
socketIO.to(users[key].room).emit('newmsg', data);
Here the code with socketIO.in gives output whereas socketIO.to doesn't
But as per their documentation in and to should return the same o/p.
Someone please explain to me the critical difference b/w them.
Right in the socket.io doc:
Synonym of namespace.to(room).
So, .to()
and .in()
are the same.
And, if you look in the code, you see this:
Namespace.prototype.to =
Namespace.prototype.in = function(name){
if (!~this.rooms.indexOf(name)) this.rooms.push(name);
return this;
So, both .to()
and .in()
run the exact same code so any difference you think you are seeing is not because of the difference between calling .to()
or .in()
. It must be due to something else. You'd have to show us a reproducible set of code that shows some difference for us to help you debug that.