
Empty TDB2 Query Result

I have a problem with the command line tools of Apache Jena. I want to create a tdb2 database for a big turtle file. For this reason I used the tdb2.loader command as follows:

tdb2.tdbloader --loc ~/indexer ~/indexer/test.ttl

My test.ttl file contains entries of the form:

@prefix bbase: <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix owl:   <> .
@prefix dblp:  <> 

    a                              dblp:Publication ;
    owl:sameAs                     <> ;
    dblp:authoredBy                <> ;
    dblp:bibtexType                bbase:Inproceedings ;
    dblp:listedOnTocPage           <> ;
    dblp:pageNumbers               "98" ;
    dblp:primaryElectronicEdition  <> ;
    dblp:doi                       "10.1109/RoMoCo.2013.6614591";
    dblp:publicationType           dblp:Inproceedings ;
    dblp:publishedAsPartOf         <> ;
    dblp:publishedInBook           "RoMoCo" ;
    dblp:title                     "Design and navigation of wheeled, running, swimming and flying robots." ;
    dblp:yearOfPublication         "2013" .

Now my problem is that if I query the output (tdb2 file), by using the tdb2.tdbquery command, an empty table will be the result. My query searches for all entities having a dblp:doi property and the result should not be an empty table as you can see on the example above. My query file looks als follows:

PREFIX dblp:  <>

  ?s dblp:doi ?o .

And my my tdb2.query command looks as follows:

./tdb2.tdbquery --loc=~/indexer/Data-0001 --query=~/indexer/query.rq

No matter what I'm doing, my result is always:

| s | o |

If I query the .ttl-files directly with the sparql command in the same manner as I use the tdb2.query command, I will get a reasonable result containing some entries.

Unfortunately I cannot find an answer to my question, neither in the Jena documentation nor in this forum. Can someone give me an answer or at least a hint what might go wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Your --loc parameter on the query should be the location where you created the TDB2 database i.e. ~/indexer