
Servicestack autoquery custom convention doesn't work with PostgreSQL

I have defined new implicit convention

autoQuery.ImplicitConventions.Add("%WithinLastDays", "{Field} > NOW() - INTERVAL '{Value} days'");

The problem is that for postgres connection the query is wrong translated into


and it doesn't send parameter to database. In case of built in conventions it works fine.


I was trying to define EndsWithConvention but there is the same issue - parameter is not passed to pgsql engine (however it is available in SqlExpression)

.Add("WithinLastDays", new QueryDbFieldAttribute() { Template= "{Field} >=  CURRENT_DATE - {Value}", ValueFormat= "interval '{0} days ago'" });

.Add("WithinLastDays", new QueryDbFieldAttribute() { Template= "{Field} >=  CURRENT_DATE - interval '{Value}'", ValueFormat= "{0} days ago" });

UPDATE 2 The below definition results in PostgresException: 42601: błąd składni w lub blisko "$1" (sorry for error in Polish)

autoQuery.EndsWithConventions.Add("WithinLastDays", new QueryDbFieldAttribute() { Template= "{Field} >=  CURRENT_DATE - interval {Value}", ValueFormat= "{0} days ago" });

The generated query is

  SELECT here columns
        FROM table
        WHERE table."publication_date" >=  CURRENT_DATE - interval $1
        LIMIT 100


autoQuery.EndsWithConventions.Add("WithinLastDays", new QueryDbFieldAttribute() { Template= "{Field} >=  CURRENT_DATE - {Value}", ValueFormat= "interval {0} 'days ago'" });


    FROM ...
    WHERE ...."publication_date" >=  CURRENT_DATE - $1

and issue PostgresException: 42883: operator doesn't exist: date - text

this is the dto definition

    public class FindTenders : QueryDb<TenderSearchResult>
        public int? PublicationDateWithinLastDays { get; set; }


public class EntitiySearchResult
    public DateTime PublicationDate { get; set; }

FINAL SOLUTION @mythz solved the registration problem and issue in using interval clause in my original query. The below definition works fine to get records within X days in the past from now. Thanks @mythz

  var autoQuery = new AutoQueryFeature() { MaxLimit = 100 };
            autoQuery.EndsWithConventions.Add("WithinLastDays", new QueryDbFieldAttribute
                Template = "{Field} >= CURRENT_DATE + {Value}::interval",
                ValueFormat = "{0} days ago"


  • The {Value} is replaced with a db parameter, if you want to change the value of the db parameter you need to use ValueFormat, e.g. ValueFormat="{0} days".

    To define ValueFormat format an implicit convention you need to register an EndsWithConventions, e.g:

    autoQuery.EndsWithConventions.Add("WithinLastDays", new QueryDbFieldAttribute { 
        Template= "{Field} >= CURRENT_DATE + {Value}::interval", 
        ValueFormat= "{0} days ago" 

    Also note you likely want CURRENT_DATE + interval not -.